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About us

The SSG was formed in 1979 by physicians and scientists from the Scandinavian countries with a primary interest in tumors of connective tissues.

The goal of the SSG is to advance the care of patients with sarcoma and to increase knowledge of all aspects of the biology of these tumors, including basic and clinical research. The SSG has developed treatment protocols for different sarcoma types and participates in international clinical trials.

At this website you can access treatment protocols, find information about previous and future SSG meetings with links to SSG publications.

SSG administrative coordinator: Eva-Mari Olofsson

The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group is a part of Lund University and follows the instructions/regulations for data protection for Lund University.

For more information please, follow this link

Wish you all a nice autumn!

The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group (SSG) Bylaws

1. Aims and visions

1.1 The SSG is a non-profit organization.

1.2 The main objective of SSG is to continuously improve the quality of diagnostics, treatment and care of sarcoma patients by connecting health workers in Scandinavia.
A main task for SSG is the running of clinical trials. Furthermore, the SSG shall serve as an avenue for sharing knowledge, experience and research.

1.3 A cornerstone in the SSG work is to maintain the Scandinavian register of bone and soft tissue sarcoma patients (The Central Register).

2. Organization structure

2.1 SSG is a multidisciplinary organization with members from the medical and scientific community involved in sarcomas in the Nordic countries. To be a member an application to the SSG secretariat stating their profession, discipline and interest in the sarcoma field is needed. The SSG board will then send a membership confirmation to the applicant.

2.2 SSG has no membership fee and is financed by grants.

2.3 All members may be candidates for the SSG board and other leading positions.
The 7 subcommittees (Visceral and Retroperitoneal; Morphology/Tumor Biology/Molecular Genetics; Imaging; Orthopedic Surgery; Medical Oncology; Nurses and Physiotherapists; SSG Central Register) are open to all members.

2.4 The SSG board members are elected by the SSG general assembly which is held annually in conjunction with the SSG working group meetings. Voting shall be conducted in writing and with personal attendance.

2.5 The SSG board should preferably include representatives from at least 3 of the 5 countries. The SSG board meet at least twice yearly.

2.6 The SSG board consists of 1 chairman, 1 secretary, 1 treasurer, and 3 general delegates, who at the same time holds a vice position (i.e., v chairman, v secretary or v treasurer). The election term is 4 years, and all board members who have reached the end of their term will be replaced, re-elected or switch position within the board. A SSG board member may be candidate for only one re-election. The election committee will actively work to favor participation of new members in the board. The general assembly elects the chairman, and the other delegates; however, the board will decide upon the other positions for the board members. When a board member decides to resign prematurely, i.e., between the general assembly meetings, a temporary substitution will be elected by the board; an election that must be approved by the next general assembly.

2.7 The members of the subcommittees elect their Subcommittee Chairmen for up to 5 years. The Subcommittee Chairmen are not member of the SSG board, but report to the SSG board Chairman.

2.8 The 7 Subcommittee Chairmen form the Election Committee for the SSG board before the general assembly. Chairman of the Central Register Subcommittee is the coordinator of the Election Committee.

2.9 All SSG members can take the initiative to form temporary, task specific multidisciplinary interest groups. For example a group may be constituted to run a clinical trial, and such a group should include the principal investigator for the trial. Other examples could be project based committees for establishing and updating of treatment guidelines. Interest groups should be authorized by the respective subcommittees involved, and approved by the SSG board.

3. Meetings and other activities

3.1 The SSG holds plenary meetings every other year. The SSG board is responsible for initiating the planning of the meeting, constituting an organizing committee which shall include at least two representatives from the local site, two representatives from the board, and one representative for the subcommittee of nurses and phyisiotherapists. The leader of the scientific committee shall be a person from the local organizers. SSG is responsible for the economy of the plenary meetings.

3.2 In connection with a yearly SSG working committee meeting the subcommittee chairmen will meet seperately with the board to discuss common matters if needed. The board is responsible for organizing the meeting.

3.3 The SSG office works with e.g., the preparation of meetings, updating of the register of SSG members, grant applications, and coordinating of clinical trials.

3.4 The revision of the SSG economy is performed within the general revision at Lund University.

3.5 The SSG board is responsible for running and updated homepage for SSG (

3.6 The publication policy for SSG follows the recommendations of “International committee of Medical Journal Editors”. See Publication and authorship rules for SSG.

4. Changes of the bylaws

4.1 Changes in the bylaws can be made by the general assembly if suggested changes are received by the board and announced 3 months ahead of the meeting.

Latest updated: December 18, 2016